Thursday, September 30, 2010

I believe I have some aunts and a mother to blame for my cat's new favorite hangout spot

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Another little Sawyer. Harris thinks he's really good on the wii.

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Monday, September 27, 2010


Our newest attempt at being pet owners. This is Kibbles we hope he lasts. We hope Cory lasts. Last night as Kibbles was whining at our door I wasn't sure.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010


We’ve had a pretty eventful couple of weeks here in little P-town! First let me start with a little story from Sunday school. We teach the 5-6 year olds. So it went like this. Me: “i’m going to ask you a question and you tell me if it’s a wise choice or a foolish choice. Drew, say your prayers?”                                        Drew: “wise”                                                                                            Me: “Kaleb, say a bad word?”                                                                                 Kaleb: “oh shit”                                                                                                                         I know i shouldn’t laugh but what can you do? i’m just waiting to get a call from his parents asking me to explain why i asked Kaleb to swear in class. I’ll just turn that around and act totally appalled that he would even know that word.

IMG_0445 I refinished my table! i’ve been wanting to do this forever and i finally got around to it. Yay! it was just a light pine on top and the legs were green with some striping on some parts. Mom thinks it was way cooler before but i ignore her. i didn’t really intend for it to have the distressed look but i’m not the most even sander so i guess it’s a good thing that’s in right now eh?

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Adam and T came to visit!! this picture of Adam he took himself. We went to a funeral for a girl we knew back in Issaquah, went to In-n-Out, took a beautiful drive up the canyon, hung out with Ryan and Jackie Beecher and watched a lot of “Better Off Ted”. It was a great weekend!! the boys had a great time playing and watching Hercules together.

Yesterday was my Dirty Dash in Midway. It was so much FUN! My good friend Cassie Smith (many of you may remember her) came up from Arizona to run it with me. I was totally nervous before the race, however if i had had any idea how hard it was gonna be i would have been way more nervous! It was the longest 6 miles of my LIFE! The obstacles weren’t even the hard part. that was fun. it was the freaking hills and marsh that killed me. But i would do it again tomorrow. So awesome!

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Here’s most of the team before. the second picture is about half way through. we had to climb over 3 walls. i slipped right onto my booty jumping off the second one, hence the butt shot. And here we are at the end. Oh so filthy! Our shoes weighed like 20lbs by the time we finished. we ran through so much mud! The only thing that would have made the whole experience better is if it had been a 5K instead of a 10K haha! If any of you are interested of learning more about it so you can run it next year go to DO IT! IMG_0461

Sorry- it's huge

Our pool and Condo- for some reason these didn't transfer from my phone

Could you have a more beautiful view?

A little bit of Paradise. Jane models our beauteous locale.

Sawyer stepped off a step and over his head and then walked down the little gradual grade to over his head all in one day (a vigilant mommy rescued him both times) and it made him very leery the rest of the trip.
Our little Ellyn was swimming (yes, really swimming with occasional help from the bottom of the pool) all over the place. We had to be sure we were completely ready to leave for the pool before we put on Ellie's swimsuit because once we did it was "Go" time. I mean it, "Go, go, go, go," repeated over and over with growing frustration. Our girl was so awesome on this trip.

Our little Sadie mermaid. The girl was made for water.

Kenn and Barb- THANK YOU!!!!!

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Vacation, San Diego 2010

Last December Kenn offered to let us use their time share this year for Mike's fall break. All those months ago it seemed a long way off. Suddenly it is here and gone. But...we had a wonderful time in beautiful San Diego. Our week of Heaven. The entire purpose of this vacation was to have A VACATION. While we love going to Washington for every single break we get we come home exhausted. Trying to fit fun activities in with both of our families leaves us running a million miles an hour. Also, our kids are off with their cousins and we don't get that quality time with them that we crave.

This trip was perfect. We stayed at the Lawrence Welk Resort (I felt that maybe we should have been at least 50 before arrival but it all worked out). We spent our days alternating between activities in San Diego and just lounging around our condo and the pool. We ate sooo much; yummy treats, awesome Mexican food, sugar cereal (you know how I feel about sugar cereal). We packed lunches for our days out and about. We spent a day picnicking at Balboa Park and visiting the Mormon Battalion Museum and Old Town San Diego, a day at the San Diego Zoo, a day at Sea World, and the rest swimming. Marnie came up to spend the day with us on Tuesday, a swimming, game playing, eating day.

Along with our low maintenance trip, I did not worry overly about taking pictures. I knew, however, that I would REALLY regret none at all so we took a few.

Mormon Battalion Museum- Monday.

The pic they take there.
The family panning for gold, I had high hopes!
Jane finally doing some laundry!
Water, need we say more?

Sadie was chosen to dress in the Soldier Uniform.

San Diego Zoo- Wednesday. Mike had never been to the San Diego Zoo, neither had the three youngest. It is such an excellent zoo and I was so impressed with our kids' stamina throughout the entire day. Although we rented a wheelchair for Ellyn (she doesn't fit in the strollers anymore) she walked most of the day. We used it to spell off Sawyer and Sadie occasionally.

Sadie, a little nervous on the Sky Ride.

This baby gorilla and Sawyer played together for several minutes, it was darling.
Of course anything that involved water received Ellyn's complete attention.

Sea World- Thursday. The kids loved the entire day. You can only imagine how enthralled Ellyn was with all the water, how much the kids all loved the Dolphin, Sea Lion, and Shamu show, how absolutely great a day we had at Sea World.

The kids loved the rides right before we went to see SHAMU.

Sawyer being a shark after viewing the awesome shark exhibit.

What's Sea World without a pic of Shamu?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, Alicia!!

I just stole this pic from Cortney's blog. So many of you went to the John Mayer concert together! How fun. Alicia, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. 31? 27?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Cory's new home office. I guess he didn't think he could be super productive in the pink and purple room. He says the brown is for the earth to keep him grounded, the blue is because the sky is the limit and the green is the color of money of coarse. Something I'm sure we'll be rolling any day now! That's not really why we chose the colors these are just the extras we had hanging around our garage. Not a bad combo aye.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday Ashley!

Since my mother is out on her lovely "Sister's Vacation" I am in charge of doing Ashley's Birthday Post.
This was Ashley moments before she got married back in August.
Oh, so that makes her 20 years old correct? Ashley, you got married at only 20!? "I will never get married that young!"...(she would say.)
*This is what she told me when I was getting married at the ripe age of 20.
Ashley last year at her birthday, she is beautiful!

Anyways....Happy 21st Birthday you already married women!
We love you very much, enjoy your day!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


With the Aunties on the way to my house as we head down to San Diego I want to tell each of you how welcome you would be to come stay with us. We have had so much fun with Jess and Tony and each of my siblings and their families. Our house is kid friendly, a little crazy, and very open to each of our loved ones. We are only here till next summer, so....

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Friday, September 17, 2010

My bread my peaches and my baby girl!

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3 Years Ago Today

I would live anywhere in the world if I could be there with this guy. I love you Burt.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Cortney!

September 14, 2010
Cortney's Big 23!
This was taken last week at Rodger's sister's
wedding. Cortney is honestly the best. I think
she is beautiful inside and out!
Love you Cort!P.S. Happy Anniversary Alicia and Kev!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Sometimes i get out of the habit of checking the blog because it makes me sad when there is nothing new, so i'm grateful for the new blogs.

Jules i love you so much! I'm sorry you are going through so much right now. i think of how miserable i was when i was pregnant with Finn. Sick, depressed, lonely, and yes, even a little angry. The thought of you going through all of that with no family around and a baby to take care of makes me want to cry. But i know you can make it! you are a strong girl and we are all pulling for you.

But i'm not just writing to Jules i'm also going to write about our trip to see WICKED!!! Oh it was so wonderful! 36 hours of just plain bliss!

Jason's parents had some flight vouchers that they gave to us and offered to take Finn so we could fly to San Francisco for the weekend. We got there Friday morning and spent the day down on Fisherman's Wharf and pier 39.

We had so much fun and it was so relaxing! No one to worry about but ourselves. No diapers to change, no making sure Finn was fed and happy and not running away! Don't get me wrong, i love the little monster with all my heart and i am obsessed with how adorable he is but sometimes a break with the hubby is oh so wonderful! We went out to eat, bought some sour dough bread, walked the pier and did a lot of people watching. Next time you are in San Francisco please notice how people dress. If you were to try to guess the weather by people's attire, you would have no freaking idea! Some people where in  sweaters and scarves and boots, while others were wearing daisy dukes and tank tops. And it's not like there were just a few crazies wearing one extreme or the other, it was a pretty even mix. Funny.


After a few hours of that we started heading over toward the theater on the way to which i spotted an H&M add!! Oh glorious H&M! How i have missed it! I had Jason find out where it was and we headed over there quick before the play. IMG_0417 I got the cutest pair of jeans EVER for Finn but they are a little big :(

Then it was off to the play!! I have wanted to see Wicked forever! I am obsessed with the music and although Meagan tried not to tell me the whole story, I just kept asking questions until eventually she did :) It was everything i hoped it would be and more! I loved it so much! Jason said i was pretty much squeezing his hand off the whole time. it’s true. i even started crying during “Defying Gravity”. Having done some musical theater in high school and having the love of performing that i do, i just was imagining what it would be like to be on that stage and part of such an amazing performance and getting to sing that music! OH! i’m tearing up just thinking about it! Anyway we both loved the play immensely!

Unfortunately this is the only picture we have at the Orphium because Jason doesn’t trust people so we had to take it ourselves. Oh well.

The next day Jason showed me the houses he grew up in and the schools and churches he went to. Then we headed out to Mission San Jose.


I’ve never been to a mission. It was pretty cool. Then alas our time came all too quickly to an end.


However we were very anxious to get back to our little man. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Look how cute that kid is!! He’s even trying to clip his own toe nails :) And he loves America. What more could you ask for?

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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Yeah for changing the "now" pic of the sisters. They all look sooo beautiful!!

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So wise...

These are my parents. Mom and Dad. Aren't they cute? They are high school sweethearts, she was 14 and he was 16 when they made googley eyes at each other across the cafeteria at good ole Winlock High School. They got married the summer before her senior year and are just as goo-goo ga-ga in love now as they were when they met. That was 27 years ago. They are THE best... I might be biased... but seriously... the best.

And I'm really missing them right now.

It could be that I'm lonely, or sick, or far away, or homesick for beautiful Washington, or overwhelmed but I have been calling my mom A LOT! We have always been buddies, she is really my best friend (other than Brinders of course!). Well, I have been calling her and telling her just everything about the apartment horrors, looking for a new place, Brind's long work hours, Violet bouncing off the walls, wanting to find a mommy & me class, fighting with the apartment people, needing to wax my legs, being sick, wondering when I'll be able to clean the house, trying to get Violet to eat better, needing to get her and myself to the dentist, still trying to find an OB/GYN, boxes are waiting to be unpacked (or is it repacked?)... and just feeling crazy! Last night I was having a baaaaad night trying to get Violet down. I took her baba away because I don't want her to be dependent on it to go to sleep (or have rotten crooked teeth!). I called my mom at midnight (her time) while Violet protested in her crib and she gave me THE best advice I've ever heard. She said, "Now is not the time. Give that girl a bottle so YOU can go to bed. You'll have plenty of time to worry about that when you're feeling better, but right now you have to take care of you!" So I filled up a bottle and didn't hear a peep from the babe until this morning. The woman is so wise.

Sometimes when I think about EVERYTHING that needs to be tended to I feel like a failure because can never do it all. Today, I saw Violet schemering banana in her hair and thought, "That girl really needs a bath." but the tub is in the bathroom with the cat box and I know the sight/smell would send me over the edge. Now is not the time! Brind came home from work and loving bathed our little angel before bed. I so love my mom (and dad!) and treasure each little pearl of wisdom I glean from them.

Julia :)

Monday, September 06, 2010


Went backpacking with mom, Benny, Harris and two girls from the ward. It was AMAZING! Bennett wants to live in the woods. Mommy's girl!!

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Hood to Coast 2010

Hood To Coast

Last weekend Dave and I ran Hood to Coast. It was AWESOME!!! I had so much fun, I kind of wish I could run a relay every month. Adina had to work and there was a girl and a guy spot available on a family team from Dave's ward. So... Dave called me in May and asked if I would be interested. Um... YES! I have wanted to run HTC for nigh on 10 or more years now. However, until the last couple of years I have felt incapable. Meags, Dave, Adina, and Paige, have been on a team together the past few years but HTC is based on a lottery and they didn't make it in this year. Meags ran on another team and we spent the day and night texting each other with times, encouragement, and locations. Mike, Ellynn, and Beth, texted me along the way as well. I felt very loved.

Which brings me to my van- I loved them, they were so welcoming and fun and Dave was the best brother/support I could have asked for. He always saw me off, cheered me along the way, and was there with a cold water bottle when I made it across the finish line. The rest of the team was awesome as well. Nothing quite lifts your spirits like seeing Shamu swimming along down the road with yelling cheering and car honking to boot. It was a great experience and I can only imagine how great it would be with all family. The only sad part was knowing that Adina and Mike weren't running. We missed you!

I have a pre-dawn picture of Dave from the St. George Marathon as well. It looks like it needs to be a tradition.

Could you pick a more gorgeous place to start a race?

VAN #1- Me, Dallas, Pete, Keith, Kim, and Dave

Decorating the van- look at Dave's poor, cold toes. They weren't cold until I mentioned it- oops!

We were the C.O.W.S., a long standing family name for the team we joined- Catch Our Wind Suckers.

One leg down. I ran a 7:53 for 3.93 miles. I'm kind of mad at myself because I thought I had to run 4.93 so I was kind of pacing myself. Oh well, sub 8 (going all down hill of course), I'll take it. I was so happy I brought those baggy, black pants for p.j.s. I wore them the whole race over my shorts. I would have frozen to death.

Before or after my middle leg. I ran 9:10 pace for 7.25. This was the hardest, moderate hills and pitch black. My head lamp didn't aim down, I'll need to remember that in the future.

Dave didn't like this picture, I was just very jealous of his calf muscles.

As embarrassing as this horrible picture is, this was after I finished my last leg and I was thrilled. I did 6.08 at an 8:51 pace. Not too bad, for me, especially after 2 1/2 hours of sleep.

This was my ending picture after my last leg until Adina showed me the one above that Dave took. I had to choose not to be vain.

Both vans after we finished down on the beach.

Dave and I with our finishing medals. Thanks Dave! Thanks Mike and mom for watching for our kids (Sawyer came up with me and stayed with G'ma and Wil and Jackson). By the by, I owe Dave a fleece without burn holes (St. George) and a new flasher. I would say earplugs and washcloths as well but I washed them all and will get them back to you...someday!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Spagetti Factory! - Warning!

No, I'm not advertising Walgreens! I just wanted to warn
anyone that puts their photos there that they delete them
in about 2 1/2 weeks! Yes they deleted over 600 hundred
photos of mine that I had on a disc. I told the manager
that I would never set foot into their stores again! (I'm
sure he is heart broken) But honestly, who does that?
Thank goodness I had my blog almost up to date but I
still hadn't printed out my pictures, especially all of the
ones from Sarah's birth! I cried, yes real tears! Oh
well. I wanted to post these cute pictures of our
lunch at the Spagetti Factory. It is so fun to get
I hope I got everyone.
The kid's table. Handsome boys!
and beautiful girls!
P.S. Yes, I know I should download all my pictures on my
computer but my computer is a "little old" but now I
have a flash card that I will depending on!