Sunday, October 28, 2012


We were playing scrabble at Gram's house. I asked Tristan if he could spell a word with an "r" in it. He got very excited when he found he could spell "aaar", spoken like a pirate. I let him use it.

Friday, October 26, 2012


That's right after 14 years I finally got "Best All-Around Chili" tonight at the ward chili feed. I made scrumptious white bean and chicken chili, taking the time to roast my peppers and adding 1/3 of the amount of cheese called for (instead of none), and 1% milk over skim (but still not the half and half called for). It's a proud day at the Allen house. Some of Cory's scouts suggested I frame my certificate and hang it for all to see. I might just do that. So when you're feeling gloomy and cold this winter just jump in your car and make the 20min to 4day drive on over and I will make you the best chili in battle ground!

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Grandma could rock a fro

I have this picture hanging in my garage and it makes me happy every time I see it. I mean, how did she DO that? It's a perfect circle! Sweet Grammy. I think about her every time I see that long list of birthdays on the blog. Crazy.
Joanie, I was mistaken for your sister today at the gym (I used to be mistaken for your daughter, but whatever). I like to believe it was due to the striking similarities in our awesome bodies. No? Crap. Also, I'm not buying your story about eating melted PB cups. We all know you don't eat those. Now if you had said that you melted a Tums, that I would believe.

Halloween Party

If I could just publish pictures.....It was so fun! Meagan Cory and the kids came up after soccer practice. Julia and the little ones made it too. I miss them! It is hard to take little kids the the rain...all alone, where no one can hear....What's it from (kinda)? But they came!!!

We bobbed for apples. I had bought the giant honey crisp so they would have a bit of a challenge. Most of them have mouths the size of Meags so not too hard!

There was the carmel dipping and garnishing mess and we then attempted to watch a movie. Violet had had a nap. Need I go on? She was having none of it along with Harris and Baby Brind. Julia goes to stand up saying, "Well as fun as this is..." Immediately Hazel jumps up scoops Baby Brinders into her arms, "Julia Julia Julia, I've Got It!"

She is the funniest little bunny ever and so competent!

We decided to start the carmel apple eating and eggnog drinking sugar overdose phase of the party and ditch the movie...we would always rather eat and visit!

Wish you were here,
Le Anne

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Cole's 4th grade Jamestown trip. It worked out perfectly for me to go because my sister and niece are flying in to the closest airport to Jamestown, Newport News.
Cole really enjoyed it. If we could do school via field trips EVERYDAY.., then life would be great (homeschool coop anyone?). His little field trip buddy, Ben was good to have around. Smart, honest, motivated kid. I hope Cole always chooses friends like Ben. After four hours of walking through the settlement we decided on a quick ferry ride since it's literally right there and the weather's so perfect! Cole said his favorite part of the trip was the musket shot demonstration, the glass blowing, and some alone time with mom. :)

The Fix

And the fix...

Yep, that's a zip tie. Oh my amazing Cory!!

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My watch

Some of you may remember my watch

If not the watch at least the tan line from the watch. As was evident by the tan line, I LOVE my watch!! A few months moths ago the holder down thing broke:(

Good thing I have this awesome rubberband!

Unfortunately as I was holding Hazel this afternoon and giving her an after school snuggle this happened

Aaaaa Oh my poor watch! It is the best $11 I ever spent. I have already looked at my empty wrist at least 15 times in the two hours since the "accident".

My watch was my favorite accessory but really its more than that; its a companion. Its always willing to run no matter the distance, time or temperature. Its there in the night to tell me what time it is every time i wake up and it helps me stay somewhat on time as i run my five very active littles around. Unfortunately it is usually quite homely but I love it that way and now I am on a mission to find a new companion.

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Photo: MoreDog sitting and Floyd hates Belle, so need I tell you how it is going?!

Mindi an the Stanley

I forgot to post this picture that illustrates mindi's excitement at being at the Stanley :)
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Monday, October 22, 2012


I'm not completely retarded! You may all regret that I found this app! I am extremely excited to be back on the blog. It feels safe here. I have stopped posting on Facebook. I worry too much about what I write. This way I can bore people and not feel guilty; it's for posterity. Here goes.....
Actually I have only a few mildly amusing stories. First, Cash tells me today that we need to bury a penny in the garden so we can grow a baby boy. If that's true, we need only plant the money tree right next to it and we'll be all set. Scarlie is much too big and I am certainly missing the tiny baby stage. We just need to get Kev on board :/
Clo has started basketball and I am saying my prayers nightly that she likes it enough to stick with it until she can receive a college scholarship. Too early to worry about that? I think not. Why I didn't use my height for sports is a mystery. Instead I used it as a justification to eat more. Brilliant. Anywho, Clo is insanely hysterical and I am lucky to be around to see her grow up. The other day we drove past a beautiful pumpkin patch. After what must've been a lengthy explanation of how I felt like there isn't a more beautiful vegetable (is it a vegetable?) and nothing makes me happier to see growing than a pumpy, Clo says flatly, "Wow Mom. You've left us all speechless." She's awesome.
Mad is doing fantastic in school this year. By fantastic, I mean that she's not hysterically bawling when I drop her off. We're pretty excited.
Anyway, that is about it for now. I had some of my gums grafted last week and while it isn't quite as bad as childbirth (I had more than one person compare it to that), it certainly doesn't tickle. I'm going to go eat my mashed potatoes. Ok. Ok. You know I'm not eating just mashed potatoes. Ice cream is my new best friend. You think it's easy to maintain the weight of someone my size and stature?

Just like old Times

It is easier to blog than to prove I am not a robot. Is it just me or is it getting harder?

It it so fun to see so many on the blog....I feel so connected!

There was this kind of weird old lady in Issaquah that would stand and bear her testimony and say how thankful she was for AT&T....Really? (That was the phone co. back then for those of you that don't know) Have I mentioned her before?

Now I get it...I am that weird old lady! We are so blessed to have all the means of communication that we do. I am so grateful I get to travel as much as I do and see my family because I start to miss my...sisters, brother in laws, neices, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids and g'kids the minute I leave them and no matter where I am I am missing someone!!! You are an amazing group!

There have been a lot of funerals for us lately and it only reinforces how much the gospel and the promises of eternity mean to me!

Darla, you mentioned how to best use your time. I have to remind myself that the best use of my time is staying connected with people. Ellery and I were talking about it yesterday. Pres. Monson keeps telling us all these great stories about following the promptings of the spirit, about going to see someone, or writing 23 letters a month, or visiting 84 widows. The stories aren't to brag or tell us how great he has been over the years, but to show us what we should be doing. You do a great job!

You all do! You are so good to each other and for each other!

Thanks for the wonderful posts and pictures!

Le Anne


Finn and I got a little carried away with the googley eyes. Hehe.

This is what they were meant for. Aren't they cute?

This is what happens when uncle Adam cracks my toes. I scream in anguish and Adam screams in fear.

Kissin on my little hulk man.

Check out that huge elk! Right in the middle of town! I wasn't a believer but Adam and that elk proved me wrong.

Finn and I got bored in the car while waiting for the others to look at more elk.

The Stanley Hotel! The most haunted hotel in the United States. Mindi loved it so much. We can't wait to stay there! Right Min?

Couldn't you just eat her up!

Mindi gave Finn this cute little backpack full of toys for the drive home. You would have thought it was Christmas! Finn just stared at the backpack itself for the first half hour of the drive. Then he insisted on wearing it into each gas station we stopped at.

Adam is getting hyped up to drive. The kid loves road trippin!

Danna's new do. Isn't she a fox? We had so much fun! I did not want to see her go. In fact I made her stay 2 extra days with me :) Thanks mama!

And last but not least, here is jason's and my project. We're very proud of our PVC pipe shelves. Was surprisingly easy and quick to put together.

So I tend to just post a lot of pictures because my life is not all that interesting. I'll try to find something of substance to write about. I love you all!
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Geof was right when he said my iPhone would replace my actual camera. Most of these pics will be a repeat to all of you..especially Ellynn who occasionally instagrams.😉 School is in session and we've had a nice start. Cole is playing soccer on just an okay team, but loves being the "leader" as he proudly admits his coach called him. Geof and I would like him to be pushed to improve, but this is what you get when you're not willing to do club/travel soccer. Dayne is signed up for dance for the first time, and not surprisingly, does NOT like it. Like her mother, she doesn't want to follow someone else's made up steps. Where's the fun in that?! Watching her is hilarious because she really does know how to move and dance naturally well, but is so robotic and stiff in her class. Yep, she'll be done in November. Dayne is most content at home in her own creative mind. Although the constant state of disarray that follows her drives us nuts, we can't help but think we'll be missing it all too soon.
June loves Kindergarten and is extremely social. Has no need for Mom lunch visits. She's even starting to show interest in reading and writing. Yay for peer pressure! ..and true to our obvious east coast adopted style, all three kids are "signed up" for this or that class...keeping us busy, but mostly happy. June's taking a music class that is just perfect for her. It's a program called Lets Play Music that was started in Arizona by I'm sure an LDS woman. Teaches kids music theory, how to harmonize, write your own music, etc. June loves it and I get to go with her two times a month. So cute.
I had my aunt and cousin in town last weekend which was a nice treat. Motivated me to get a few more house projects done. It's never ending of course. It also motivated Geof to give me the go-ahead on replacing our light blue, old man urine-stained bedroom carpet. Yippee! Can't wait.
My sister Amy and niece Lydia will be here on Thursday. Im so excited to have company! Our weather has been just wonderful-cool nights, leafs changing..fall is the best (no wait, Spring is..the girls and I deal with allergies this time of year).
Geof is busy, as usual, but is very happy with his current situation with work...which makes us ALL 😃.
I'm trying to figure out how to best spend my time (remember President Eyring's talk about his daughter-in-law and her prayer asking how she should fill her time? That's where I am..). I've substitute taught at a preschool, had a few quilting lessons (but really need to learn from the Best aka: Le Anne), but mostly just running all over the place in different directions connecting with people. Seem to always be drawn to socializing and helping others. I'm doing my last season of Stake Youth Choir-had to drop two songs that we were supposed to sing for Stake Conference in two weeks, but the youth weren't gettin it. Kind of stressed. Have one rehearsal left and hoping our two songs are as close to "good" as we can get! I'm sure they'll be fine. Geof and I love the youth in our Stake. Always praying and worrying about them. We had our second Trek family reunion that one of our "daughters" planned. Played "Late for Work". It was a blast!! Haven't laughed that hard in a while.