I made the soccer team!The school one, that is. Sixth graders hardly ever make the team. Loves to everyone.
I made the soccer team!The school one, that is. Sixth graders hardly ever make the team. Loves to everyone.
i was just bawling this morning that the summer is over and there are so many things i didn't get to do that i wanted to do. not enough slumber parties or time on the hammock looking at the view or movies or games or just whatever. then i had a few minutes before i went to work and so i got on the blog. i haven't read forever. i am so far behind. i don't blog because i never have any pictures to post. how boring is that!
this morning it was an answer to my prayer and another one of God's tender mercies for me. we did have a great summer didn't we!!! i know sometimes i get so caught up in doing i don't see or acknowledge what was done.
thank you for thoughts, pictures, inspirational talks, pictures etc. that you shared. you are all so wonderful. we are truly blessed as a family to have each other, live in the land we do, have the health, strength and means to enjoy it and the best part is that you all appreciate it. your blogs are so sweet.
thanks for the reality check. life is so good--way fast--but so good!!!
love aunt Le Anne aka g'ma Danna
Trip to the Beach and Lessons Learned
Darla that article was incredible. It really hit home for me in a myriad of ways. For months I have been reading a blog called The NieNie Dialogues. Nie Nie is living the perfect life. She adores her husband, her kids and her life. Sometimes it was almost sickening to read her blog because she really is so perfect (but I couldn't help but read it.) Well on Sunday I found out she, her husband, and his flight instructor had been in a plane crash in Arizona. The instructor died and Nie and her husband were in critical condition and were burned very badly. I also read her sister Cjane's blog so I have been reading all of the updates on their condition. I can't stop reading about them. There were some links to news stories and I just sobbed as I watched them. They have 4 children and luckily their extended family that lives in Utah has been able to take care of the kids. He has burns over a third of his body and she over 80%. I just cannot imagine. I have been sick about it to the point that I tossed and turned all night thinking about them. It is a blessing that they lived but burns are not easy to recover from, it will be months and even then I am sure they will never be the same. All these horrible scenarios keep flashing through my head of awful things that could happen to me and it is maddening.
i think we are all scared to write after jessica’s wonderful blog, but i’m going to any way.
the summer is winding down as all of our company has gone and clint’s wedding is over.
the weather has gone from 106 to 66 in two days. that alone changes things. have any of you ever watched charlotte’s web? do you know when they get home from the fair and charlotte has died and there is a melancholy.
the end of summer always has that feel now that i have kids going back to school. the worst year was when brooke moved to germany. we had spent every day together for almost a year a then she was gone. i would try to take my kids to the same fun places without her but it just wasn’t the same.
there are few cruel times in life: one is sending your kids to school.
maybe the end of summer wouldn’t bother me so much if our summers weren’t so dang fun. starting with a visit from the aunts and ending with jesse, ton, and indie.
this weekend is hood to coast, but cory’s not coming with me this year, which makes me sad. but i do get to run with dave and adeena, (brooke’s in-laws).
monday morning wilohm goes in to have his adenoids, and tonsils removed and tubes put in. we are praying that it will help his hearing, because it is really getting bad!
cory bought us the sound track to mama mia and the kids and i are in heaven. that was the funnest movie and has the greatest music!
so now that i have rambled on long enough i will end.
push ups this is the link. hope you like it, we love it!
Hey Meags,