Sawyer Crawling
I'm done nursing so that's all for now
First of all, thank you for all of Sadie's B-day wishes. She LOVED them. Next, if you scroll down to Mike's post and link over to Sundry Seven there are several videos on there- 2 of Sadie and 2 of Sawyer. Mike was going to put them on all of our blogs but he is having computer issues. I will try to figure it out after Sadie's b-day party tomorrow. Until then I have tunnel vision.
Brooke, i really really really need you to post "sadie's worries" from sundry seven onto our blog. i discovered it this morning and since have shown it to brind, julia, meags, cory and the kids. it is so dang funny! i'm going to call jason tonight and make him watch it too. i think the whole family would love to have that little insight into sadie's thinking.
Memorial Day Weekend
Sadie, I hope you have a great Birthday! I know you and Isaac would be best buddies. Hopefully someday soon you will get to meet!
Sadie, we hope your birthday is "wunderbar auf Deutch". We love you and can't wait to see you.
hey little sadie g'ma misses you. i haven't talked to you since i left germany, but i think about you and jane, ellyn and sawyer all the time. i miss you. wish i could have seen you dance in your recital. i wish i could be there to celebrate your birthday some more!!!
i remember when you were born. your dad had just come home from afganistan with a broken leg. meagan and cory were in europe with adam and mindi and i was supposed to be babysitting. your mom called and said she could really use my help. benny and i flew out and we spent 2 weeks waiting for you to come. the doctor had promised he would start your mom, but now all of a sudden they were short handed.
we drove to savanna on your due date. it was so beautiful and hot and humid i thought your mom and dad would die. your dad's leg was itching like crazy in the heat. we walked through a few of the squares, saw the proctors walk and finally gave up all pretense of sightseeing. i teased your dad and mom and told them how fun it was trying to see savanna with "hobble and wobble." we got in the wonderfully air conditioned car and went to my favorite place to eat sea food " The Crab Shack" no not the chain. this place is amazing. we ate till we were about to pop. and then drove home.
still no sadie.
finally your mom was desperate enough to ask mark to deliver you the day before i left!!! i wasn't worried because i knew your dad would take good care of all of you!!!
guess who just walked in the door and surprised me---elly----wahooooo!!!!!!
i love you my little sadiekins. have a fun b'day and tell your mom to call me before she goes on my almost permanent pooop list!!!!
love, g'ma
ps. one of these days i will learn how to e mail.
Family, I would post here too but I am going to redirect you to so that I do not have to repost all the pics on this slow connection.
Happy Birthday Paula!
My friend Megan just sent this to me-
Thank you so so much for my Birthday wishes, I had a great day! I did not go to work so I got to sleep in. I met Joey and my Mom for lunch at the Bun Basket. It is a really great sandwich/bakery up in Fruit Heights. It was funny because every time I want to go there Joey says no because only girls go there. This time he was right, I think there was maybe one guy in there besides him.
chelsea marie, wow happy birthday! hope you have had a great day and that you have a great night. i'm sure you will be spoiled like you should be because you have such a great husband, mom and sisters (and brother in law)! we are thinking of you and are excited for your big move!.
i remember your mom showing up at the airport i think it was with you in her arms. you weren't supposed to born till after g'ma arlene got home from her trip. what a surprise. you have always been a great surprise. san antonio will be fun. we at least will get to hear from you on the blog wahooooo!!!
i finally took time out to catch up on the blog, you are all my heroes. i am so grateful for each of you. your stories of your everyday lives and how you are trying to weather the storms big and little are awesome. you are an amazing group and your mom/aunt Le Anne loves you.
i can hardly wait for the weekend. i texted the other night and said the only thing i can figure out is that "the host" has taken over the bodies of my sisters. really? 2 visits in 7 months!!! unheard of. we will have fun in seatle. wish you could all come.
we did have so much fun in europe. i do love to travel! janie, sadie, ellyn (she cries when you try to get her out of the car) and sawyer are incredible travelers. i will miss having brooke in germany and geof. and darla in richmond but it will be so good to have them closer to home. bet i still find someplace to go. here's me hoping that they don't cut that little benefit for parents of pilots. i'm thinking they won't because it only costs them 15 or so peanuts a flight and i'm willing to give those up if i have to.
read an article in the newspaper the other day about the current summer crop of flawed superheroes. in 8th grade the teacher had me do "independent studies" for a semester for the sake of both the other kids in the class and me. i went to the library everyday and read everything i could about the greek, roman and some nordic gods. i was confused because they were supposed to be "gods" that these people worshipped. they were really good at some things- superhuman in fact and yet they were capable of doing some really horrible things when you thought about it. my teacher explained that the people made their gods bigger than life people. everything about them was exagerated--bigger than life--really good/really bad.
the newspaper article went on to say that "superman is conventionally and traditionally a boy scout and that's often what makes him very difficult to relate with." we will be better able to relate to these flawed heroes this summer.
i'm wondering if in fact what we need to do as a society is to look for heroes not so we can relate to them and their flaws, but heroes we can look up to as examples. why have superheroes that make us feel comfortable doing things we shouldn't do. i think that was a prime reason mitt romney didn't get the nomination. any way
don't get me wrong i will be there at the movies this summer with indiana jones, etc. i can hardly wait, but frankly i'm going to stick with the super boy scout hero as my role model--Pres. Monson. and all my children and my sisters' children and grandchildren.
love ya, mom, aka aunt Le Anne
Jason where ever you got that pillow and I'm just saying this cause it looks like a boppy (those things girls use when nursing that wrap them or the baby whatever) just see if they have one of those bouncing vibrating hammock chairs that i can only find that fit babies but my size.
It is a week full of birthdays and yours is starting it all out.
I didn't know what to think when we found out it was a boy. I was excited, but another thought ran through my head, "Will daddy want to play with his boy more than us girls?" I realize now that my dad loves us all equally. I am so blessed to have such a good little brother. the little tyke laughs, smiles, coos, crawls, and so much more. I am so proud of Sawyer. I am homeschooling and every once in a while I go to the bus stop to greet my friends when they get home from school. One time, in fact the first time I took him out with me. The moment all my friends had hurtled off the bus they came excitedly over. Once again, I felt so proud of Sawyer. He is the kind of baby that everybody loves. For a moment Sawyer thought he had died and gone to heaven. We were almost immediately surrounded by, "OH! SO CUTE!", and, "What a PRECIOUS baby!" Smiles and coos greeted all of them for the next ten minutes. WHAT A FLIRT! Sawyer is still funny to this day. He is so handsome. He was born with a lot of dark hair, but his hair started to fall out when my dad was home for R&R. We decided to shave it. What we meant to do was totally the opposite of what we did. WE SHAVED IT BALD. I felt like it wasn't the Sawyer that I knew. Now that his hair has almost grown back we are fine and his RED. So now I have the most spoiled, cute, brown eyed, red haired, only brother ever. Sawyer Micheal Stinchfield is the best brother in the entire world and I love him.
Thanks for all the pictures guys! love to see those. it makes all the reading so much easier on me... and probably meagan too, lets face it. he he just kiddin meags.
I forgot to mention our sweet FHE. Yesterday, I was set apart as the RS secretary in our new ward. Of course all the kids were there for the setting apart. Cole really wanted to help Dad and the bishopric member "bless" me, and was pretty angry when we didn't let him and we didn't have the time at the moment to explain. So tonight Geof. talked about authority and the priesthood, and blessings, and then Cole asked Geof. if he'd give him a blessing. It was really sweet. Cole was so excited and sat there so reverently and quietly with his eyes closed (yes, I peeked). It was a very sweet father's blessing. I love my family.
Check it, Beecher-bred M's fans. The recent wave of sports criminals has finally reached our beloved and stellar Mariners... and a sad day it is indeed. Just goes to show that even blue-blooded, apple-pie eaters from Bremerton can't escape the wicked pressures of today's society. And you were my hero, Willie. I hope that last clam went down easy. At least you've got three stolen bases...
Wow, I don't even want to discuss how long it has been since I have posted. I dare say it was pre-wedding! Ridiculous...
Hi Fambily, I hope you are all doing well. I have just had one of those days where you are pretty tempted to put your kids to bed at 6 but you can't because they still haven't eaten dinner. Actually, I had dinner ready and cooking while we were at soccer practice but then Jane and her friend rode home from soccer on their bikes and Maddie's mom wasn't home yet and so the girls were playing in the backyard and then Sue came over to get Maddie and stayed and talked for about an hour. I would have offered to feed them too but I didn't have enough and now with this everything fresh or frozen thing it isn't like I can just whip it up in two seconds. It was good to talk to her, we just didn't eat until oh 7:45 and then went straight in to scriptures and stories. The story part was cut short because I have the biggest punk you can possibly have for an almost 6 year old without that child being an actual juvenile delinquent. Also, Ellyn has had a cold for almost a week now which has resulted in temper tantrums several times a day, lethargy the rest of the day, and who can blame the kid? She's miserable and now so am I. Okay, I am going to stop venting now.
On Saturday evening we met up with my parents for the Erie Town Fair. My parents woke up at 6 a.m. that morning to watch 60 hot air balloons take off from the golf course. We got to see three that night then watched the fireworks. We took one of my young women with us; she'd never been to a fireworks show before!