Wilohm David Ellery Allen
Well I guess it's time to blog. Wil is finally resting peacefully and I have a minute to update everyone. I'm sure you've heard bits and pieces through texts, calls and Facebook, but I'll give you the whole story...
Sunday night Wilohm went in to use the restroom after dinner. I hear him yell and go in to find the toilet bright red with blood. So Cory calls the doctor and they have us run him into the ER. They are super nice and run some blood tests but think its probably a small tear. But they do send us home with a kit to take a stool sample which will need to be brought back to the ER within one hour of the bowel movement. Of course he decides he needs to go as soon as we get home, so at 11:00 Sunday night we head back into the ER. Monday morning he meets with his regular doctor and they run more blood tests. Through all of this Wil says he has no pain and no other side effects. So home we go. A few hours later he has another bloody stool and the doctor sends us back to the ER. More tests, same cool nurse, but no news. They tell us to follow up with our doctor and we don't need to bring him back unless he has a high fever or vomits blood. Bloody stools are just fine. (Really?!?) Tuesday morning we head back to his doctor, they check him out tell me they still don't have results from stool sample but he looks good so they send us on our way. I tell the doctor that we have family staying down at the beach and she gives us the ok to take him down as long as he stays out of the elements.
We load up and head to Tillamook cheese factory to meet up with the Robbins clan. The whole time Wilohm is assuring me that he is just fine.

Does he look fine to you? I think he looks like one of the Cullen clan. Plus he just wasn't his regular rambunctious self. This picture is taken while everyone else went down to the light house and we stayed in the car. That night he perked up a bit and by Wednesday morning he was running on the beach. As we were on the beach I got a call informing me that all stool cultures came back negative, so no salmonella, E. coli, or other such diseases. However, there were a few white blood cells indicating there may be some infection.

We hated to leave all the fun at the coast,

but we needed to get Mom back so she could head up to Brooke's. (Side note I love the Robbins and Crabbs!!!!)
We got home and Cory had a yummy dinner ready for us. We were starving and it was nice to be back home with Cor. We cleaned up and I headed to the gym and the kids went upstairs to play the wii. After about an hour Cory was down working in his office and heard a glass break and the kids quarreling. Jackson was freaking out because Wilohm broke my Finisher's cup. So he called me at the gym and says Wil was dizzy and he dropped my cup. I jump off the bike and race for the door hanging up on jack as I go. Cory in the mean time has gone up and sees Wil on the toilet as white a sheet. I call back and hear Wil start screaming and Cory asking "are you ok, are you ok?" Poor Jack was panicking so I told him to hang up and call 911. I made it home in record and run upstairs to find Wilohm laying in the middle of the hall as white as a ghost.
Going back, he went in the bathroom to get a drink because while he was playing video games his eyes were feeling funny. When he got the water he blacked out, dropped the glass and started to fall but caught himself on the counter. His stomach started cramping so he got on the toilet and proceeded to fill it with tons of blood. That's when I heard the scream. Cory went in and held him on the side of the tub and he passed out again in Cory's arms. I'm pretty sure Heavenly Father waited for me to be gone for all of this to happen because I don't handle emergencies very well. (Remember Hazel's broken finger?)
Ok so I'm home he's laying on the floor and the ambulance is on the way. Jackson is crying and so worried. Hazel is on the verge, Harris has no clue what's going on and Benny is very calmly getting me clothes and baby wipes so I can change before the medics arrive. 3 super nice firemen arrive followed by 2 great medics they all look in the toilet and assure us that we made the right call. Oh on the way home from the gym I call Linda (Cory's mom) to come stay with the kids. Mom and dad were up at Brooke's. Linda arrives as they are loading Wil into the ambulance and she is pretty shaken up. She makes me promise I will not let them send us home until they figure it out. I ride with Wil, Cory follows and we head to the ER for the third time, this time in style. We were there for about an hour as they once again took blood and scratched their heads. Luckily he had lost enough blood that his levels were so low Randall's, an amazing children's hospital in P-town told the ER to send him down. So we took one more ambulance ride. They transported Wilohm right to his super sweet room. And we were all settled by 2am. Once again through this whole thing Wil has been cool calm and quite. Not complaining about a thing.
They told us they thought they knew what the problem was and we just needed a scan to determine if they were correct. So we would do the scan in the morning and have surgery in the afternoon.

Unfortunately it was thanksgiving and they were now working on a skeleton staff. So what should have taken 2 hours took 6 and we were pushed back to this morning. The sad part was Wilohm could not eat a thing, and on thanksgiving! He went into surgery this morning at 8:00 and they were done about 1 1/2 hours later. He had a Meckel, a little leftover attachment from the umbilical cord to the middle intestine. The Meckel contains stomach lining with acid that causes bleeding. Wilohm's had a broad base attachment so they had to cut his intestine on either side and sew him back together. He did really well and he is recovering nicely although he is in a lot of pain. He has to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days and probably with no food. Poor baby. Keep him in your prayers and trust me we could feel all of them today!!!

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