darla's day
Happy Birthday to our darling Darla.
I hope you have a wonderful day. And some how
you get spoiled. I wish you were coming up!! We
will miss you like crazy, the party just wont be
as fun without you.
I love you……meagan
Happy Birthday to our darling Darla.
You are right, Darla. The sun is shining as I blog. Adam is out there shoveling away and hopefully he can get his truck out of the driveway soon. There is so much to do (with our callings) before we leave. Blog out...
Hey to all. Congrats to Jan on going to Italy!! Of course we're all jealous! Who wouldn't want to go to Italy on their mission? Wow. And I had to laugh at Mindi's comment about it being so much better than something like, I don't know, Canada. Poor Geof. (: Dayne and I have been sick the last few days so if you haven't already heard Cam (i called moni), we'll be staying tomorrow night only. Yes, a bit of a mix up but oh well. I, like mindi, did not want to miss out on your terrific breakfast. Honestly. Things are going better than expected with Geof. gone. I've been blessed for the most part with more patience (on the MOST part) and play time with my kids. Dayne and I slept most of the morning and I felt so guilty but I didn't want to be sick when Geof. came home. So when I finally got up I was expecting poor Cole to be sitting in front of the T.V. bored out of his mind. Fortunately, he had built a fort kind of thing and was playing with his new pirate ship his friend brought over yesterday (he's really been spoiled). Cole asks for gifts everyday and I'm a little worried about his greediness. My sister said to not worry about it. He's still really young and to be honest, this is kind of his first year REALLY understanding the whole Christmas concept. And he LOVES it. As for Geof., he flies in at 11 pm tomorrow night, and then he leaves around 2 on Christmas day. yes, short and sweet. I told him I won't leave his sight for the whole 2 and a half days. we'll be spending most of it up in logan at my brothers. My sister and her fam are coming in from Cali. so it should be nice. what else? oh yea, Meagan, THANK you for the hat and gloves for the kids. your mom must have told you we needed them (: Maybe I should have saved opening it until Christmas day but we'll need it before that. Thanks again. Mindi and Adam, Colorado is crazy!! I can't believe your snow! We have a ton here too but not quite that much. Hopefully we'll see you soon. If I know Colorado though, the sun will be shining soon and everything will be melting. I gotta run. love to all. Darla p.s. Brooke, I'm REALLY sad we're missing you in WA.
I wanted Jan to post where he was going but I don't think he knows how. I hope it's ok with Jan but I am going to say because people are waiting!
Okay Cam, I waited patiently, now you have to post.
I know that I am the only one of the Robbins that ever gets on here to post but I will make Jan post a little something tonight. I am not going to say where because that is for Jan to tell but I will say the he received his Mission Call today and I couldn't be more excited for him and proud of him. He is going to make one amazing missionary!
Hi Family,
I just barely checked the blog or else I would have offered my house. We would love to see you while you are in town though. We will try to hook up Friday night or Saturday morning. Drive safe.
Geof. flew in to visit us on Friday night. We had a great time feeding him and playing with him. Friday night he ate more that I've ever seen a man consume in one sitting. We stayed up REALLY late (after midnight) playing "Settlers of Zarahemla". Then Saturday Geof. came along for the Gurr family picture (my mom's side). There were no big fights and even though it was freezing cold, everything went well. Then we went to the Zoo Lights at the Denver Zoo. We had a huge group of people and pretty much everyone managed to get lost. About 20 minutes into it all my Grandpa looks at my Grandma and says, "What am I doing here?" So they promptly left. I spent most of the time in the gift shop, nursing Tristan and visiting with my uncle Dave. The girls were wrapped up snug and warm in the strollers and enjoyed all the lights. I think the thing Geof. did most often while he was here was flip open his phone and look longingly at a picture of Darla. It just broke my heart. I can't imagine being separated for so long.
Adam, I'm sure you've already had several offers but you are mor than welcome to stay with us. We have no plans that night and plenty of room!
As I look at my sisters blogs and regret buying anything for my kids Christmas as we have decided to head to the Great NW for the holidays it is only reinforced more by my rapidly depleating account balances, and we haven't even gotten to the holidays. I could save hundreds by just saving the happy meal toys as we journey north-westwardly, wraping them up and Merry Christmas.
Oh my goodness Christmas has come early. I was checking the blog reluctantly, out of guilt, because I have not written for so long and low and behold three new blogs. As an added bonus one is from the ever elusive, Alicia. I really don’t have a lot going on, no parties to speak of and I don’t visit teach so nothing to do there, it’s just pretty boring around here. No I really am going to do something for our v.t., h.t. families, and our neighbors, I just haven’t decided what kind of mess I want to make. A colorful, crumbly mess with sugar cookies or an ooey, gooey mess with caramels. So many messes, so little time. If I do cookies I would probably have to include my children and I try not to do that. If I had to do “floor time” with any of my children it would go something like this… yeah you are on the floor what more do you want? I guess that is why God gave our sweet little Ellyn to Brooke and not me. So while I am on a role (by the way I have a very high self worth I just think this is funny), Jackson asked me this morning if I had any talents. I said I didn’t really know I couldn’t think of any right then. He said, come on mom everyone has a talent, like I can draw and tell stories and dad can play the piano and lots of other stuff, so what is yours?
Rigby Family Update
Hi family. Geof., your stories were hillarious. Mike especially liked the new dog one. That's right, my husband is home from the field- a couple of days before I expected. Very nice!!! He's just in time for our ward Christmas party which he is absolutely thrilled about. If you believe that you haven't spent enough time with my husband.
I was summoned to court on Monday for jury duty and was 1 of 12 people out of 53 to be on the jury for a criminal case. It turned out to be a very interesting experience. We were to determine if two men were involved in selling meth and cocaine. Monday and Tuesday we listened to witnesses and on Wednesday we heard closing arguments. We then deliberated for 5 1/2 hours!!! It was madness. I was ready to punch one guy right in the face. We found the men guilty and I felt sick as we read the verdict. I felt like we were dooming them to prison but what did they expect. So the moral...don't do drugs and don't be around people that do them or sell them. It really scared me to think this is going on all around us and it will probably only get worse.
okay so it kind of sucks in ground. not like i wasn't expecting it. they hand you a ton of manuals and it's kind of like learn this or don't move on. i live in a hotel with two room mates. nice guys and we pretty much just study and sit around all day studying some more. ahhhhhhhhaaaahhhhhaaahhhh. but anyway i got to see st. louis this weekend. a lovely city which you can tell has a lot of history. today i heard a funny story in ground class. a lady had her dog stuffed and took it on a flight with her. the animal was carried in an animal cage. well when the plane arrived the baggage handlers thought the dog had died on the flight. they told the lady the dog was on the next flight went to the pet store and got a similar dog. well they brought the cage to her house and she freaked out thinking her dog was resurrected. next story. the faa allowed a woman to bring a 300 lb pig aboard a plane with her because a psychiatrist prescribed it to her saying it would help her fly. it went down as a service animal similar to a see and eye dog. well the captain didn't want to do it but had too. as soon as they took off the pig decided he didns't like it and ran up and down the aisle crapping. that is so funny. i honestly wonder if the shrink did it to see if they would let huge freaking pig aboard a commercial flight. well i miss you all and wish i was with my family but such is life. all is well.
It's been awhile since I've posted anything and I have just a few minutes so I thought I'd throw up a quick update.
This is Darla again. Poor Geof. was stuck pretty much ALL day in his hotel room with his two roomates who he says both use poor language, and who have sat around all day watching T.V. Not really his idea of a good Sabbath day. The reason I'm telling you this is so hopefully you can drop him a line sometime (especially on Sundays) and just talk to him. I'm gonna give you his address as well even though I know it's almost impossible for most of us to send REAL mail anymore (except for Mindi). I know how much you all care about Geof. and hopefully we can let him know how much we love him these next 2 months so he doesn't get too low. THANKYOU!!! Darla
This is Aunt Jack
Mindi, you're incredible. I hope you're week went by okay. Those light/glass blocks that Adam's making sound really cool. By the way, he's called 3 times this week and I'm SORRY I haven't called back. It's been too crazy and i just haven't been able to talk. Please pass it on to him. Tomorrow's our Christmas party. I should be excited to go, but I'm not really. iT's like torture to get my kids to actually sit down for a dinner (my fault, I trained 'em), and without Geof.'s help...I just don't know. Speaking of Geoffrey George, he just told me tonight he doesn't know if he'll make it home for Christmas (weekends are already out) because he doesn't want to pay $400 for a ticket. I guess flight benefits don't kick in until AFTER his 2 months training. Wish I known that before...So he said he'd try to make it home for New Years and we'd do something really fun to make up for Christmas. Crazy. I guess I can't complain. There's too many people I know that deal with no husband around (Brookie) for substantial periods of time, and I need to be grateful he has finally started his career. Brooke, by the way, you sound like you're having fun. I'm glad you play with friends a lot and get out with your girls. Oh how I wish I was your best friend out there. We'd have SOO much fun. well, I gotta run. I finished all my homework for the week (i only have 2 finals next week), but I still need to type up my evaluation on my 2 speeches. I guess that makes me NOT done with homework, but I'm ALMOST there! I miss you all and can't wait for warm weather and cute husbands to be here. ~d
Wow Meags, I feel severely chastized. I did however write Darla back. Things have been a bit crazy here. When are they not? However, I think this particular week Mindi has me beat. Mike is in the field and we have been making occaissional cookie and laundry runs. I've also been finishing up with the end of the ball business since Mike is gone.
Sorry Meags. I've been thinking about blogging but I wasted a ton of time that I didn't have trying to post a video only to fail miserably. I cried like a baby watching the video cory put on. Right now Sierra is laughing at the snowman pillow (she's really crazy), Kaia is asking me to pet the imaginary bird on her finger, and little T is spitting up more milk than he consumes. They are all wonders. Tonight is Young Women In Excellence and my head is spinning trying to put it all together. We are also performing in the ward Christmas program and need to practice for that. Plus getting the Angel Tree gifts together for all the needy families in our ward. Plus taking the Joy School kids to the old folks home tomorrow to perform a bunch of songs none of them know. And the list goes on, but I'll spare you. My husband is busy getting his craft on. He and another girl in the ward are making glass block Christmas gifts. He drills a hole in the glass block, fills it with lights, ties a beautiful bow on it (his bows put mine to shame), and voila. I went to book club last night and Adam stayed home with the kids and did crafts with his friend. Too funny. Well, I've got to rush out the door and pick up pizza for tonight's not-so-healthy/eat-as-fast-as-you-can meal. I can see it now: balancing three pizzas on one arm, Tristan on the other, herding two cats in and out of the pizza place. Awesome.
Wow guys, what’s up with the blog? Is everyone so busy that they don’t have time to stay in touch with their lonely sister, cousin, sister-in-law, cousin-in-law. I know that this is a very busy time of year, but we can still write. Look at all that Darla is doing and she still wrote. We finally got our Christmas tree done last night and it is beautiful, despite the fact that I ran out of lights before I got to the last branch in the back, forgot one branch completely near the top, and half of one string of lights is out in the middle. Well I hope all is going well I heard the wedding was beautiful, I wish I could have been there. If someone could post some pictures I would love it.
meags has aksed me to run this on the blog. darla e-mailed it to her originally. i think i've seen this guy in something else before. this is amazing stuff. c.dog.
Perfect. After I posted, I actually thought, "you know, I'm sure if someone' s willing to give him a ride they'd probably eventually offer dinner". Not to disregard your advice Brooke. You're great. Things are going well this week. Last night I set up Cole's GINORMOUS Thomas the train set that he got for his bday. It took me an hour and a half but it's well worth the fun he's having with it. Now the trick is keeping Dayne from falling all over it. Poor thing, she's just not as coordinated as Cole is (not that many people are). She loves Cole SOO much and always tries to give him loves, from which he pushes her away and hits her. We're working on it though. He's getting better. As for the fridge thing Brooke, they're gonna try to get a microwave and fridge. I still feel sorry for him though. There's nothing like a good home cooked meal, even if it's just once a week. Not that that would be much different than how it's been at home. LeAnne's here for Jordan's wedding. She came over with Ellynn right when I was getting Cole off to school. So she proceeded to do laundry and mop my kitchen floor. All while I'm sitting on the couch in my PJ's studying for my Bio. test this week. I'm almost done with both classes and will be SOO happy to finish my finals as well. I love school but could there be a worst time? No husband, sick and pregnant, and FREEZING cold weather. no, I'm not complaining. And of course life couldn't be that bad if I can still find time to blog.
Darla, I think it would be a good idea to call and ask the bishop if there is someone in the ward that could assist Geof. in getting to church. I think many times when people give rides the dinner invitations naturally follow. At least that has been our experience with single soldiers needing rides to church, especially if they know how long he's going to be there.
I don't have a lot of time to post but I wanted to ask you all your opinions. Geof. left this morning at 4 am. He'll be living in a hotel for 2 months with some other pilots. From what it sounds like, he won't be coming home most weekends. I want to get a hold of the bishop (or RS Pres.) in the area where he is and see if they can get some families to feed him (and give him rides to work!). He can't eat fast food every day right?!! So what do you think? Is that weird? let me know. Thanks! Darla
I don't have a lot of time to post but I wanted to ask you all your opinions. Geof. left this morning at 4 am. He'll be living in a hotel for 2 months with some other pilots. From what it sounds like, he won't be coming home most weekends. I want to get a hold of the bishop (or RS Pres.) in the area where he is and see if they can get some families to feed him (and give him rides to work!). He can't eat fast food every day right?!! So what do you think? Is that weird? let me know. Thanks! Darla